As Technorati reports, Navatar has produced some “groundbreaking” technology that “has all the markings of being a disruptive, game changing one” for the financial industry.

How is Navatar’s technology disrupting Wall Street? By providing CRM systems with built-in connectivity that give financial professionals new avenues of access to people, information, and services. Previous generations of CRM systems were self-enclosed, isolated, and static.

The new generation of cloud-connected CRM systems enable financial services firms to do business in ways that were not previously possible. For example, connected CRM systems turn the deal-making process on its head by bringing deal opportunities directly to dealmakers—literally at their fingertips. Traditionally, finding deals and investors required a lot of research and legwork.

Creating new ways of doing business through cloud-based connectivity is what Wired describes as “one of the most exciting and transformative ball games in the history of modern IT.” Cloud-connected systems, Wired explains, not only reduce the total cost of ownership for the software systems we have today, but enable “entirely new systems — powerful, game-changing systems — that simply were not possible before.”

Cloud-connected CRM systems open up new business opportunities to all areas of the financial services industry—including wealth management, asset management, corporate development, investment banking, hedge funds, real estate, and venture capital.

Disrupting through connectivity is only part of the story, however. To be successful, cloud CRM vendors must also be committed to helping their customers succeed. This requires a new model of customer care that ensures that clients are successful in their use of the cloud-based systems.