Hedge Fund CRM

Today’s market demands your A-game » which relies on proprietary research » which must be augmented with intelligence you acquire from the sell-side.

Navatar harnesses this intelligence for you. You just bring your A-game.

Hedge Fund CRM

Today’s market demands your A-game » which relies on proprietary research » which must be augmented with intelligence you acquire from the sell-side.

Navatar harnesses this intelligence for you. You just bring your A-game.


Sell-Side Intelligence

Your A-game requires you to capture all information from interactions with your sell-side relationships at banks and broker-dealers. The intelligence created from consolidating this information for each equity/credit instrument, bank, sector or event may factor into your buy/sell trading decisions, along with your internal research.

Let us show you how Navatar enables you to capitalize on every thread of intelligence for comprehensive trading decisions.


Help you understand not just “who knows who” but also “who knows what”


Automatically coalesces disparate intelligence around each instrument


Automatically connects all intelligence within each sector/subsector

Who Knows What

It is useful to understand “Who Knows Who,” or who in your firm may be connected with a person or a firm. In addition, your A-game needs “Who Knows What.” You also need to know everything about that contact or firm – including all intelligence collected from them or from other sources – in order to see the full context of the relationship.

Investor Relations & Fundraising

Whether it is growing your investor base or developing deeper relationships, you must leverage every thread of information about investors that you uncover from all your relationships. Navatar compiles this intelligence to help build strategic partnerships that are critical to unlocking privileged access to capital, co-creation of new investment opportunities, establishing new funds or increasing funds under management.


You must have access to all relevant intelligence on the go in order to keep your all your interactions focused. In addition, all new relationships as well as additional information from each interaction at the event must add to your actionable intelligence. Navatar’s automated intelligence engine helps you maximize your event participation to make sure every bit of information adds to your sourcing efforts.

Needle in a Haystack

Even if you can somehow get data in, finding what you need is never easy in most CRM systems. You must be able to search a topic, casting a wide net that can find all relevant intelligence at the most detailed level, which could be the odd sentence from paragraphs of information. Navatar enables you to fine-tune granular searches even further and then channel results into editable work-streams, making them actionable and collaborative.

Always-On Intelligence

Your A-game relies on insights around a company, person, deal or topic to be available, whenever and wherever. Navatar mobile is your intelligent assistant you can rely on, whatever your need. It also captures and collates any information you gather in your meetings in the most frictionless way.

Product Features

Table Stakes

Who Knows Who

Track trader interactions with every sell-side brokerage/salesperson

Relationship Management

Consolidate sell-side intelligence for each salesperson/bank

Fundraising & IR

Manage investors and execute fundraising process


Who Knows What

Understand details of each interaction with brokers/banks

Sell SIde Intelligence

Automatically collate sell-side intelligence for each instrument

Deepen Research 

Cast a wide net for detailed research on instruments/sectors


Investment Thesis

Connect intelligence within each investment thesis to create early opportunities

Deal Positioning 

Leverage knowledge-base of sector-expert advice for better positioning on deals

Segmented Workspace

Collaborate in dynamic workspaces created for any tactical or strategic initiative

Product Features

Table Stakes

Who Knows Who

Track trader interactions with every sell-side brokerage/salesperson

Relationship Management

Consolidate sell-side intelligence for each salesperson/bank

Fundraising & IR

Manage investors and execute fundraising process


Who Knows What

Understand details of each interaction with brokers/banks

Relationship Management

Automatically collate sell-side intelligence for each instrument

Deepen Research 

Cast a wide net for detailed research on instruments/sectors


Sector Coverage

Connect sell-side intelligence within each sector/subsector

Deal Positioning

Leverage knowledge-base of sector-expert advice for better positioning on deals

Segmented Workspace

Collaborate in dynamic workspaces created for any tactical or strategic initiative

You May Be Thinking…

Should we switch CRM systems?

Are your senior professionals logging into CRM? Does your CRM add any value other than generating pipeline/compliance reports? If the answer to those questions is no, you need to switch. Talk to us and we will show you what to expect from a CRM for an alternative assets fund or investment bank and how it should add value to your sedulous day-to-day activities that require intensive research and analysis.

Why do our senior professionals never log into CRM?

They are laser focused all day on high-value conversations and activities that require extensive research. CRM systems require them to constantly punch data, without offering any information that can be useful in their research. Your senior professionals need a CRM platform that acts like a smart assistant, ready to offer relevant insights when needed, without the admin overload. Let us show you the CRM platform tailor-made for what they do.

How should we evaluate a CRM for our firm?

Conventional evaluation is based on features/functions such as contact management, relationship intelligence, pipeline management, etc. The problem with this approach is that most CRM platforms check all boxes, but still end up failing in getting user adoption. You need to ask two simple questions: 1) What value will we get and 2) How much data will we need to enter. Let us show you how you can get 80% value with 20% effort.

Isn't CRM about efficiency?

Most CRM platforms are, in fact, designed to automate processes in order to make them more efficient. However, your Partners/MDs want value, not efficiency.  A CRM platform worth its salt must offer some tangible benefits to your core set of activities centered around creating, qualifying and/or closing deals. Let us show you how Navatar does exactly that by turning your proprietary information into an indispensable asset.

What if Navatar is never adopted by users?

The Navatar platform is specifically designed for busy investment professionals who are not inclined to spend their time punching data into any type of software. Navatar automatically extracts data from everyday productivity tools that your professionals already use, removing the admin burden. Let us show you how your users will still get value from Navatar even if they never enter any information into the system.

What if we already have Salesforce?

Navatar layers seamlessly on top of Salesforce, using most of the existing underlying objects, with minimal disruption. Our platform will transform Salesforce overnight into an impact engine that captures and converts your internal intelligence into a powerful competitive differentiator with minimal user input. Let us show you exactly how.

News & Blog

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