Best-in-Class Strategies for Fundraising

The challenges of raising capital have never been greater. Investors are inundated with opportunities, their due diligence is heightened and their bar is set high. To be successful your fund marketing strategy should be well thought out and executed.

Here’s the good news: Navatar has teamed up with a pre-eminent placement agent team to provide market intelligence and valuable insights into today’s fund raising landscape. No matter how many funds you have raised previously, learn how to sharpen your fund raising skills from this recorded webinar. Discussions will include:

The Plan: timing; the hazards of pre-mature marketing; groundwork to complete before you make a single investor call.

The Preparation: the powerful marketing materials — the tools you need to differentiate your firm — and how they can enhance or detract from the cultivation of strong relationships with potential investors.

The Execution: Leveraging internal and external resources for an efficient and effective marketing campaign.