How to End CRM Torture for Financial Advisors


It’s a must-have for an advisory practice, but most advisors still wrestle with CRM. Instead of driving business development and improving client experience, CRM often ends up distracting advisors away from their core business of managing money.

Watch this recorded webinar, with Brian Kostick (Vice President, ActiFi) and Ketan Khandkar (Principal, Navatar) to get a glimpse into the future and what to expect. You will learn what it takes to get CRM to work for you, and not against you. Also, you will learn about how to get there via the progression through the Five Levels of Technology Utilization and what to expect along the way.

What you are going to learn:

  1. Tech trends in wealth management – Cloud CRM.
  2. The business value of technology is NOT technology.
  3. Effective utilization is the key – The 5 levels of technology utilization.