Navatar Now Provides Investment Bankers and Private Equity Fund Managers Ability to Run Entire Deals From Mobile Phones
When a potential buyer, seller or investor reaches out, dealmakers must act in real time. You cannot afford to wait to get to your laptop to respond to their requests, direct colleagues to take action, sign documents or to simply figure out what’s happening on a deal or fundraise.
With investment bankers, private equity managers and strategic buyers relying more on their iPhones or Android devices for business, Navatar’s new mobile platform empowers them to run their deals and fundraise from anywhere. Dealmakers and their team can now collaborate, stay on top of their pipeline, execute deals and mandates, delegate tasks, react to important prospect news, and more.
Navatar will showcase the functionality to investment bankers specifically in two separate upcoming webinars.
A replay of the webinar for M&A bankers and other intermediaries is available at:
A replay of the webinar for buyers, including private equity firms and corporate strategics, is available at:
“In today’s era of instant communication and hyper-connectivity, not everything can wait until tomorrow to be addressed,” says Navatar Chief Operating Officer Ketan Khandkar. “Dealmakers need an ability to respond and react to urgent items, or keep tabs on their business activity, whether they are in the back of a cab or at the beach.”
About Navatar
Navatar (@navatargroup) is the premier platform for alternative assets and investment banking firms. It is used by hundreds of private equity funds, M&A boutiques, hedge funds, real estate funds, venture capital firms, corporate development groups, wealth managers, private placement and other financial services companies. Navatar’s platform transforms the front office – marketing, investor relations, business development, deal management, deal execution, among other functions. Navatar is built on the Salesforce Platform, leveraging enterprise level security, availability, compliance and mobility capabilities that are critical to financial services.
For more information on Navatar products, including platforms for Private Equity, M&A and Corporate Development, go to: