Our Thinking

Why Multitenancy Matters in the Cloud

Navatar's Alok Misra had a great article on the importance of multi-tenant architecture in the cloud. Multi-tenant architecture is when the tenants (customers) share the application, servers and databases in the cloud. We believe multi-tenant is the only way to go in...

The Silly Debate Over Multitenancy

Alok Misra hits on good issues around the dispute, or should I say silly dispute, about multitenancy: "There's a debate in the software industry over whether multitenancy is a prerequisite for cloud computing. " Let's get this straight right now. Cloud computing is...

Buy Side Fundraising Suffering – Can Salesforce CRM Help?

In the wake of news reports that Venture Capital fund raising was the
lowest last quarter since ’03, you might be surprised that very
sophisticated buy-side firms such as Hedge Funds, Venture Capital firms and Private Equity firms often rely on the must rudimentary, home made fund
raising methods.

Oracle Cloud Computing and the CFO’s Dilemma

Mary Hayes Weier of InformationWeek poses some great questions about Oracle's desired switch (according to a recent announcement) to subscription-based pricing, in her article "Oracle Mulls Shift To Subscription-Based Pricing", she asks: "How is Oracle going to do...

Does The CIO Have a Role In The Cloud?

Jim Sinur from Gartner poses some very good questions about IT's role in the Cloud world, in his blog entry The Secret is Out: The Business is Building Processes and Applications. The question is: Will IT continue to play an important role within their organization,...

Cloud Computing: Wipro & Oracle style

I just read the announcement from Wipro and Oracle about their Cloud platform for software companies. According to the announcement, Wipro and Oracle are providing a service which will let software companies offer their existing applications as SaaS in a multitenant...

Thinking of…Offering a Cloud Solution? Ask the Smart Questions.

I recently reviewed a book titled "Thinking of .... offering a Cloud Solution? Ask the Smart Questions." Great book, if you are looking to build a Cloud product on one of the platforms such as Force.com or Azure. We find that an ISV usually realizes that moving to the...

Can the Cloud Succeed in India?

Most of us living in India weren't surprised when our population crossed a billion. Most Indians also didn't pay attention when salesforce.com became the first Cloud Computing company to cross the $1B mark. Now some analysts suggest that the Cloud Computing market in...

ISV in a Cloud: Change/Die/both!

I recently came across a good posting from Daryl Plummer at Gartner titled Delivering Cloud Services: ISVs - Change or Die or both!. This article highlights the opportunity as well as issues related to an ISV (Independent Software Vendor) migrating to the cloud. It...

Social Media ‘Bleeding Edge’ Leg Up

“No one’s social (yet),” says CRM Magazine’s Marshall Lager in the June edition. In other words, few B-to-B sales can be attributed to social media – at least for now.

Google Cloud vs. MS Office

Will Google's cloud-based email platform eventually kill MS office? We don't know, but companies have surely started looking at Google's platform more closely. Leena Rao of Techcrunch points out in a recent article that Google struck a partnership with Valeo, an...

Placement Agent CRM Released

Placement Agents have been in the news a lot recently and some of the stories haven’t been particularly friendly to the profession. Now there’s some good news, a product that will make their jobs easier.

Navatar PE: We Hit The Ball Out of the Park!

Sometimes we get criticized in the salesforce.com world about not highlighting all the good things that Navatar does. Yes, we are shy at times. So this time, let us draw your attention to some good things being said about us - a recent one related to one of our most...


It is very exciting to hear that salesforce.com has released Volunteerforce, for a company to manage their volunteering impact. Navatar's association with nonprofits has been long and deep - complex salesforce implementations at nonprofits such as AARP, United Way,...

Cloud Wars

The phrase outsourced solution never really set hearts racing. But, the Cloud is different. That's why when a top thought leader started pushing the term and said that he is using it in a forthcoming book the legacy, internal data center defenders knew they faced a...

Private Clouds: Do You Really Need Your Own Cloud?

I recently read a few articles about what it takes to build your own Private Cloud. It sounds like a good challenge to undertake if you want to prove your credentials as an Enterprise Architect. However, if you are an ISV seriously considering a SaaS strategy to build...

Alok Misra quoted in eWeek

Saleforce.com is taking on virtual customer support and call center operations with the introduction of new technology and services aimed at the services and support sector. Link to news article.