Most firms track deal stages, from teaser to diligence. Few, however, capitalize on all the intelligence uncovered in interactions with bankers, experts, consultants and others – squandering an enormous opportunity to create new deals.  Join us to see how Navatar’s Acuity can:

  • Harness this intelligence by automatically capturing, parsing and indexing your notes from meetings with your network
  • Generate opportunities for ‘early looks’ or ‘shot on goal,’ blending your proprietary and intermediary channels
  • Join the dots within each investment thesis, creating an intelligent collaboration workspace for sectors/subsectors
  • Help build the right value creation strategy by leveraging consolidated knowledgebase from all research within a sector
  • Reduce deal evaluation costs by combining existing intelligence with outside sector expert/consultant advice
  • Facilitate extensive research, at the most detailed level, on key initiatives to help make informed decisions

We look forward to seeing you soon.